Flooring knife and blade options are essential for your flooring project. If you need a scraper to remove paint, putty, labels, and adhesive from windows, mirrors, and tiles, or a knife to cut carpet, cardboard, plastic, vinyl, rope, and more with ease and precision, we stock a wide variety of cutting knives and blades.
From a putty knife, scoring knife, utility knife, or hook knife to a carpet knife, lino knife, or vinyl flooring knife, we stock the best utility knife options, suitable for whatever material you are working with. Namely, the heavy-duty Stanley knife blades, are ideal for carpet, vinyl, and any other material requiring a stiffer and stronger blade. Further, the Toughbuilt scraper utility knife, Roberts utility knife, and Perfect Level Master putty knife are all popular strong and durable choices.
If you have any questions or need further information about knives and blades, our expert team will be happy to help. Contact us now at 01604 915243.